Package org.jsoup.helper

Class HttpConnection.Response

All Implemented Interfaces:
Connection.Base<Connection.Response>, Connection.Response
Enclosing class:

public static class HttpConnection.Response extends Object implements Connection.Response
  • Method Details

    • statusCode

      public int statusCode()
      Description copied from interface: Connection.Response
      Get the status code of the response.
      Specified by:
      statusCode in interface Connection.Response
      status code
    • statusMessage

      public String statusMessage()
      Description copied from interface: Connection.Response
      Get the status message of the response.
      Specified by:
      statusMessage in interface Connection.Response
      status message
    • charset

      public String charset()
      Description copied from interface: Connection.Response
      Get the character set name of the response, derived from the content-type header.
      Specified by:
      charset in interface Connection.Response
      character set name if set, null if not
    • charset

      public HttpConnection.Response charset(String charset)
      Description copied from interface: Connection.Response
      Set / override the response character set. When the document body is parsed it will be with this charset.
      Specified by:
      charset in interface Connection.Response
      charset - to decode body as
      this Response, for chaining
    • contentType

      public String contentType()
      Description copied from interface: Connection.Response
      Get the response content type (e.g. "text/html");
      Specified by:
      contentType in interface Connection.Response
      the response content type, or null if one was not set
    • parse

      public Document parse() throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: Connection.Response
      Read and parse the body of the response as a Document. If you intend to parse the same response multiple times, you should Connection.Response.bufferUp() first.
      Specified by:
      parse in interface Connection.Response
      a parsed Document
      IOException - on error
    • streamParser

      public StreamParser streamParser() throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: Connection.Response
      Returns a StreamParser that will parse the Response progressively.
      Specified by:
      streamParser in interface Connection.Response
      a StreamParser, prepared to parse this response.
      IOException - if an IO exception occurs preparing the parser.
    • body

      public String body()
      Description copied from interface: Connection.Response
      Get the body of the response as a plain string.
      Specified by:
      body in interface Connection.Response
    • bodyAsBytes

      public byte[] bodyAsBytes()
      Description copied from interface: Connection.Response
      Get the body of the response as an array of bytes.
      Specified by:
      bodyAsBytes in interface Connection.Response
      body bytes
    • bufferUp

      public Connection.Response bufferUp()
      Description copied from interface: Connection.Response
      Read the body of the response into a local buffer, so that Connection.Response.parse() may be called repeatedly on the same connection response. Otherwise, once the response is read, its InputStream will have been drained and may not be re-read.

      Calling Connection.Response.body() or Connection.Response.bodyAsBytes() has the same effect.

      Specified by:
      bufferUp in interface Connection.Response
      this response, for chaining
    • bodyStream

      public BufferedInputStream bodyStream()
      Description copied from interface: Connection.Response
      Get the body of the response as a (buffered) InputStream. You should close the input stream when you're done with it.

      Other body methods (like bufferUp, body, parse, etc) will generally not work in conjunction with this method, as it consumes the InputStream.

      Any configured max size or maximum read timeout applied to the connection will not be applied to this stream, unless Connection.Response.bufferUp() is called prior.

      This method is useful for writing large responses to disk, without buffering them completely into memory first.

      Specified by:
      bodyStream in interface Connection.Response
      the response body input stream
    • url

      public URL url()
      Description copied from interface: Connection.Base
      Get the URL of this Request or Response. For redirected responses, this will be the final destination URL.
      Specified by:
      url in interface Connection.Base<T extends Connection.Base<T>>
    • url

      public Connection.Response url(URL url)
      Description copied from interface: Connection.Base
      Set the URL
      Specified by:
      url in interface Connection.Base<T extends Connection.Base<T>>
      url - new URL
      this, for chaining
    • method

      public Connection.Method method()
      Description copied from interface: Connection.Base
      Get the request method, which defaults to GET
      Specified by:
      method in interface Connection.Base<T extends Connection.Base<T>>
    • method

      public Connection.Response method(Connection.Method method)
      Description copied from interface: Connection.Base
      Set the request method
      Specified by:
      method in interface Connection.Base<T extends Connection.Base<T>>
      method - new method
      this, for chaining
    • header

      public String header(String name)
      Description copied from interface: Connection.Base
      Get the value of a header. If there is more than one header value with the same name, the headers are returned comma separated, per rfc2616-sec4.

      Header names are case-insensitive.

      Specified by:
      header in interface Connection.Base<T extends Connection.Base<T>>
      name - name of header (case-insensitive)
      value of header, or null if not set.
      See Also:
    • addHeader

      public Connection.Response addHeader(String name, @Nullable String value)
      Description copied from interface: Connection.Base
      Add a header. The header will be added regardless of whether a header with the same name already exists.

      For compatibility, if the content of the header includes text that cannot be represented by ISO-8859-1, then it should be encoded first per RFC 2047.

      Specified by:
      addHeader in interface Connection.Base<T extends Connection.Base<T>>
      name - Name of new header
      value - Value of new header
      this, for chaining
    • headers

      public List<String> headers(String name)
      Description copied from interface: Connection.Base
      Get the values of a header.
      Specified by:
      headers in interface Connection.Base<T extends Connection.Base<T>>
      name - header name, case-insensitive.
      a list of values for this header, or an empty list if not set.
    • header

      public Connection.Response header(String name, String value)
      Description copied from interface: Connection.Base
      Set a header. This method will overwrite any existing header with the same case-insensitive name. If there is more than one value for this header, this method will update the first matching header.

      For compatibility, if the content of the header includes text that cannot be represented by ISO-8859-1, then it should be encoded first per RFC 2047.

      Specified by:
      header in interface Connection.Base<T extends Connection.Base<T>>
      name - Name of header
      value - Value of header
      this, for chaining
      See Also:
    • hasHeader

      public boolean hasHeader(String name)
      Description copied from interface: Connection.Base
      Check if a header is present
      Specified by:
      hasHeader in interface Connection.Base<T extends Connection.Base<T>>
      name - name of header (case-insensitive)
      if the header is present in this request/response
    • hasHeaderWithValue

      public boolean hasHeaderWithValue(String name, String value)
      Test if the request has a header with this value (case insensitive).
      Specified by:
      hasHeaderWithValue in interface Connection.Base<T extends Connection.Base<T>>
      name - header name (case-insensitive)
      value - value (case-insensitive)
      if the header and value pair are set in this req/res
    • removeHeader

      public Connection.Response removeHeader(String name)
      Description copied from interface: Connection.Base
      Remove headers by name. If there is more than one header with this name, they will all be removed.
      Specified by:
      removeHeader in interface Connection.Base<T extends Connection.Base<T>>
      name - name of header to remove (case-insensitive)
      this, for chaining
    • headers

      public Map<String,String> headers()
      Description copied from interface: Connection.Base
      Retrieve all of the request/response header names and corresponding values as a map. For headers with multiple values, only the first header is returned.

      Note that this is a view of the headers only, and changes made to this map will not be reflected in the request/response object.

      Specified by:
      headers in interface Connection.Base<T extends Connection.Base<T>>
      See Also:
    • multiHeaders

      public Map<String,List<String>> multiHeaders()
      Description copied from interface: Connection.Base
      Retreive all of the headers, keyed by the header name, and with a list of values per header.
      Specified by:
      multiHeaders in interface Connection.Base<T extends Connection.Base<T>>
      a list of multiple values per header.
    • cookie

      public String cookie(String name)
      Description copied from interface: Connection.Base
      Get a cookie value by name from this request/response.

      Response objects have a simplified cookie model. Each cookie set in the response is added to the response object's cookie key=value map. The cookie's path, domain, and expiry date are ignored.

      Specified by:
      cookie in interface Connection.Base<T extends Connection.Base<T>>
      name - name of cookie to retrieve.
      value of cookie, or null if not set
    • cookie

      public Connection.Response cookie(String name, String value)
      Description copied from interface: Connection.Base
      Set a cookie in this request/response.
      Specified by:
      cookie in interface Connection.Base<T extends Connection.Base<T>>
      name - name of cookie
      value - value of cookie
      this, for chaining
    • hasCookie

      public boolean hasCookie(String name)
      Description copied from interface: Connection.Base
      Check if a cookie is present
      Specified by:
      hasCookie in interface Connection.Base<T extends Connection.Base<T>>
      name - name of cookie
      if the cookie is present in this request/response
    • removeCookie

      public Connection.Response removeCookie(String name)
      Description copied from interface: Connection.Base
      Remove a cookie by name
      Specified by:
      removeCookie in interface Connection.Base<T extends Connection.Base<T>>
      name - name of cookie to remove
      this, for chaining
    • cookies

      public Map<String,String> cookies()
      Description copied from interface: Connection.Base
      Retrieve all of the request/response cookies as a map
      Specified by:
      cookies in interface Connection.Base<T extends Connection.Base<T>>