Package org.jsoup.helper

Class HttpConnection

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class HttpConnection extends Object implements Connection
Implementation of Connection.
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final String CONTENT_ENCODING
      See Also:

      public static final String DEFAULT_UA
      Many users would get caught by not setting a user-agent and therefore getting different responses on their desktop vs in jsoup, which would otherwise default to Java. So by default, use a desktop UA.
      See Also:

      public static final String CONTENT_TYPE
      See Also:

      public static final String MULTIPART_FORM_DATA
      See Also:

      public static final String FORM_URL_ENCODED
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • HttpConnection

      public HttpConnection()
      Create a new, empty HttpConnection.
  • Method Details

    • connect

      public static Connection connect(String url)
      Create a new Connection, with the request URL specified.
      url - the URL to fetch from
      a new Connection object
    • connect

      public static Connection connect(URL url)
      Create a new Connection, with the request URL specified.
      url - the URL to fetch from
      a new Connection object
    • newRequest

      public Connection newRequest()
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Creates a new request, using this Connection as the session-state and to initialize the connection settings (which may then be independently changed on the returned Connection.Request object).
      Specified by:
      newRequest in interface Connection
      a new Connection object, with a shared Cookie Store and initialized settings from this Connection and Request
    • url

      public Connection url(URL url)
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Set the request URL to fetch. The protocol must be HTTP or HTTPS.
      Specified by:
      url in interface Connection
      url - URL to connect to
      this Connection, for chaining
    • url

      public Connection url(String url)
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Set the request URL to fetch. The protocol must be HTTP or HTTPS.
      Specified by:
      url in interface Connection
      url - URL to connect to
      this Connection, for chaining
    • proxy

      public Connection proxy(@Nullable Proxy proxy)
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Set the proxy to use for this request. Set to null to disable a previously set proxy.
      Specified by:
      proxy in interface Connection
      proxy - proxy to use
      this Connection, for chaining
    • proxy

      public Connection proxy(String host, int port)
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Set the HTTP proxy to use for this request.
      Specified by:
      proxy in interface Connection
      host - the proxy hostname
      port - the proxy port
      this Connection, for chaining
    • userAgent

      public Connection userAgent(String userAgent)
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Set the request user-agent header.
      Specified by:
      userAgent in interface Connection
      userAgent - user-agent to use
      this Connection, for chaining
      See Also:
    • timeout

      public Connection timeout(int millis)
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Set the total request timeout duration. If a timeout occurs, an SocketTimeoutException will be thrown.

      The default timeout is 30 seconds (30,000 millis). A timeout of zero is treated as an infinite timeout.

      Note that this timeout specifies the combined maximum duration of the connection time and the time to read the full response.

      Specified by:
      timeout in interface Connection
      millis - number of milliseconds (thousandths of a second) before timing out connects or reads.
      this Connection, for chaining
      See Also:
    • maxBodySize

      public Connection maxBodySize(int bytes)
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Set the maximum bytes to read from the (uncompressed) connection into the body, before the connection is closed, and the input truncated (i.e. the body content will be trimmed). The default maximum is 2MB. A max size of 0 is treated as an infinite amount (bounded only by your patience and the memory available on your machine).
      Specified by:
      maxBodySize in interface Connection
      bytes - number of bytes to read from the input before truncating
      this Connection, for chaining
    • followRedirects

      public Connection followRedirects(boolean followRedirects)
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Configures the connection to (not) follow server redirects. By default, this is true.
      Specified by:
      followRedirects in interface Connection
      followRedirects - true if server redirects should be followed.
      this Connection, for chaining
    • referrer

      public Connection referrer(String referrer)
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Set the request referrer (aka "referer") header.
      Specified by:
      referrer in interface Connection
      referrer - referrer to use
      this Connection, for chaining
    • method

      public Connection method(Connection.Method method)
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Set the request method to use, GET or POST. Default is GET.
      Specified by:
      method in interface Connection
      method - HTTP request method
      this Connection, for chaining
    • ignoreHttpErrors

      public Connection ignoreHttpErrors(boolean ignoreHttpErrors)
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Configures the connection to not throw exceptions when an HTTP error occurs. (4xx - 5xx, e.g. 404 or 500). By default, this is false; an IOException is thrown if an error is encountered. If set to true, the response is populated with the error body, and the status message will reflect the error.
      Specified by:
      ignoreHttpErrors in interface Connection
      ignoreHttpErrors - - false (default) if HTTP errors should be ignored.
      this Connection, for chaining
    • ignoreContentType

      public Connection ignoreContentType(boolean ignoreContentType)
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Ignore the document's Content-Type when parsing the response. By default, this is false, an unrecognised content-type will cause an IOException to be thrown. (This is to prevent producing garbage by attempting to parse a JPEG binary image, for example.) Set to true to force a parse attempt regardless of content type.
      Specified by:
      ignoreContentType in interface Connection
      ignoreContentType - set to true if you would like the content type ignored on parsing the response into a Document.
      this Connection, for chaining
    • data

      public Connection data(String key, String value)
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Add a request data parameter. Request parameters are sent in the request query string for GETs, and in the request body for POSTs. A request may have multiple values of the same name.
      Specified by:
      data in interface Connection
      key - data key
      value - data value
      this Connection, for chaining
    • sslSocketFactory

      public Connection sslSocketFactory(SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory)
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Set custom SSL socket factory
      Specified by:
      sslSocketFactory in interface Connection
      sslSocketFactory - custom SSL socket factory
      this Connection, for chaining
    • data

      public Connection data(String key, String filename, InputStream inputStream)
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Add an input stream as a request data parameter. For GETs, has no effect, but for POSTS this will upload the input stream.

      Use the, String, InputStream, String) method to set the uploaded file's mimetype.

      Specified by:
      data in interface Connection
      key - data key (form item name)
      filename - the name of the file to present to the remove server. Typically just the name, not path, component.
      inputStream - the input stream to upload, that you probably obtained from a FileInputStream. You must close the InputStream in a finally block.
      this Connection, for chaining
      See Also:
    • data

      public Connection data(String key, String filename, InputStream inputStream, String contentType)
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Add an input stream as a request data parameter. For GETs, has no effect, but for POSTS this will upload the input stream.
      Specified by:
      data in interface Connection
      key - data key (form item name)
      filename - the name of the file to present to the remove server. Typically just the name, not path, component.
      inputStream - the input stream to upload, that you probably obtained from a FileInputStream.
      contentType - the Content Type (aka mimetype) to specify for this file. You must close the InputStream in a finally block.
      this Connection, for chaining
    • data

      public Connection data(Map<String,String> data)
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Adds all of the supplied data to the request data parameters
      Specified by:
      data in interface Connection
      data - map of data parameters
      this Connection, for chaining
    • data

      public Connection data(String... keyvals)
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Add one or more request key, val data parameter pairs.

      Multiple parameters may be set at once, e.g.: .data("name", "jsoup", "language", "Java", "language", "English"); creates a query string like: ?name=jsoup&language=Java&language=English

      For GET requests, data parameters will be sent on the request query string. For POST (and other methods that contain a body), they will be sent as body form parameters, unless the body is explicitly set by Connection.requestBody(String), in which case they will be query string parameters.

      Specified by:
      data in interface Connection
      keyvals - a set of key value pairs.
      this Connection, for chaining
    • data

      public Connection data(Collection<Connection.KeyVal> data)
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Adds all of the supplied data to the request data parameters
      Specified by:
      data in interface Connection
      data - collection of data parameters
      this Connection, for chaining
    • data

      public @Nullable Connection.KeyVal data(String key)
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Get the data KeyVal for this key, if any
      Specified by:
      data in interface Connection
      key - the data key
      null if not set
    • requestBody

      public Connection requestBody(String body)
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Set a POST (or PUT) request body. Useful when a server expects a plain request body (such as JSON), and not a set of URL encoded form key/value pairs. E.g.: Jsoup.connect(url) .requestBody(json) .header("Content-Type", "application/json") .post(); If any data key/vals are supplied, they will be sent as URL query params.
      Specified by:
      requestBody in interface Connection
      this Request, for chaining
    • header

      public Connection header(String name, String value)
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Set a request header. Replaces any existing header with the same case-insensitive name.
      Specified by:
      header in interface Connection
      name - header name
      value - header value
      this Connection, for chaining
      See Also:
    • headers

      public Connection headers(Map<String,String> headers)
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Sets each of the supplied headers on the request. Existing headers with the same case-insensitive name will be replaced with the new value.
      Specified by:
      headers in interface Connection
      headers - map of headers name -> value pairs
      this Connection, for chaining
      See Also:
    • cookie

      public Connection cookie(String name, String value)
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Set a cookie to be sent in the request.
      Specified by:
      cookie in interface Connection
      name - name of cookie
      value - value of cookie
      this Connection, for chaining
    • cookies

      public Connection cookies(Map<String,String> cookies)
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Adds each of the supplied cookies to the request.
      Specified by:
      cookies in interface Connection
      cookies - map of cookie name -> value pairs
      this Connection, for chaining
    • cookieStore

      public Connection cookieStore(CookieStore cookieStore)
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Provide a custom or pre-filled CookieStore to be used on requests made by this Connection.
      Specified by:
      cookieStore in interface Connection
      cookieStore - a cookie store to use for subsequent requests
      this Connection, for chaining
    • cookieStore

      public CookieStore cookieStore()
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Get the cookie store used by this Connection.
      Specified by:
      cookieStore in interface Connection
      the cookie store
    • parser

      public Connection parser(Parser parser)
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Provide a specific parser to use when parsing the response to a Document. If not set, jsoup defaults to the HTML parser, unless the response content-type is XML, in which case the XML parser is used.
      Specified by:
      parser in interface Connection
      parser - alternate parser
      this Connection, for chaining
    • get

      public Document get() throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Execute the request as a GET, and parse the result.
      Specified by:
      get in interface Connection
      parsed Document
      MalformedURLException - if the request URL is not an HTTP or HTTPS URL, or is otherwise malformed
      HttpStatusException - if the response is not OK and HTTP response errors are not ignored
      UnsupportedMimeTypeException - if the response mime type is not supported and those errors are not ignored
      SocketTimeoutException - if the connection times out
      IOException - on error
    • post

      public Document post() throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Execute the request as a POST, and parse the result.
      Specified by:
      post in interface Connection
      parsed Document
      MalformedURLException - if the request URL is not a HTTP or HTTPS URL, or is otherwise malformed
      HttpStatusException - if the response is not OK and HTTP response errors are not ignored
      UnsupportedMimeTypeException - if the response mime type is not supported and those errors are not ignored
      SocketTimeoutException - if the connection times out
      IOException - on error
    • execute

      public Connection.Response execute() throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Execute the request.
      Specified by:
      execute in interface Connection
      the executed Connection.Response
      MalformedURLException - if the request URL is not a HTTP or HTTPS URL, or is otherwise malformed
      HttpStatusException - if the response is not OK and HTTP response errors are not ignored
      UnsupportedMimeTypeException - if the response mime type is not supported and those errors are not ignored
      SocketTimeoutException - if the connection times out
      IOException - on error
    • request

      public Connection.Request request()
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Get the request object associated with this connection
      Specified by:
      request in interface Connection
    • request

      public Connection request(Connection.Request request)
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Set the connection's request
      Specified by:
      request in interface Connection
      request - new request object
      this Connection, for chaining
    • response

      public Connection.Response response()
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Get the response, once the request has been executed.
      Specified by:
      response in interface Connection
    • response

      public Connection response(Connection.Response response)
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Set the connection's response
      Specified by:
      response in interface Connection
      response - new response
      this Connection, for chaining
    • postDataCharset

      public Connection postDataCharset(String charset)
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Set the character-set used to encode for x-www-form-urlencoded post data. Defaults to UTF-8.
      Specified by:
      postDataCharset in interface Connection
      charset - character set to encode post data
      this Connection, for chaining
    • auth

      public Connection auth(@Nullable RequestAuthenticator authenticator)
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Set the authenticator to use for this connection, enabling requests to URLs, and via proxies, that require authentication credentials.

      The authentication scheme used is automatically detected during the request execution. Supported schemes (subject to the platform) are basic, digest, NTLM, and Kerberos.

      To use, supply a RequestAuthenticator function that:

      1. validates the URL that is requesting authentication, and
      2. returns the appropriate credentials (username and password)

      For example, to authenticate both to a proxy and a downstream web server:

           Connection session = Jsoup.newSession()
               .proxy("", 8080)
               .auth(auth -> {
                   if (auth.isServer()) { // provide credentials for the request url
                       // check that we're sending credentials were we expect, and not redirected out
                       return auth.credentials("username", "password");
                   } else { // auth.isProxy()
                       return auth.credentials("proxy-user", "proxy-password");
           Connection.Response response = session.newRequest("").execute();

      The system may cache the authentication and use it for subsequent requests to the same resource.

      Implementation notes

      For compatibility, on a Java 8 platform, authentication is set up via the system-wide default Authenticator.setDefault(Authenticator) method via a ThreadLocal delegator. Whilst the authenticator used is request specific and thread-safe, if you have other calls to setDefault, they will be incompatible with this implementation.

      On Java 9 and above, the preceding note does not apply; authenticators are directly set on the request.

      If you are attempting to authenticate to a proxy that uses the basic scheme and will be fetching HTTPS URLs, you need to configure your Java platform to enable that, by setting the jdk.http.auth.tunneling.disabledSchemes system property to "". This must be executed prior to any authorization attempts. E.g.:

           static {
              System.setProperty("jdk.http.auth.tunneling.disabledSchemes", "");
              // removes Basic, which is otherwise excluded from auth for CONNECT tunnels

      Specified by:
      auth in interface Connection
      authenticator - the authenticator to use in this connection
      this Connection, for chaining
    • onResponseProgress

      public Connection onResponseProgress(Progress<Connection.Response> handler)
      Description copied from interface: Connection
      Set the response progress handler, which will be called periodically as the response body is downloaded. Since documents are parsed as they are downloaded, this is also a good proxy for the parse progress.

      The Response object is supplied as the progress context, and may be read from to obtain headers etc.

      Specified by:
      onResponseProgress in interface Connection
      handler - the progress handler
      this Connection, for chaining