Package org.jsoup.nodes

Class LeafNode

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
Comment, DataNode, DocumentType, TextNode, XmlDeclaration

public abstract class LeafNode extends Node
A node that does not hold any children. E.g.: TextNode, DataNode, Comment.
  • Constructor Details

    • LeafNode

      public LeafNode()
  • Method Details

    • hasAttributes

      protected final boolean hasAttributes()
      Description copied from class: Node
      Check if this Node has an actual Attributes object.
      Specified by:
      hasAttributes in class Node
    • attributes

      public final Attributes attributes()
      Description copied from class: Node
      Get each of the Element's attributes.
      Specified by:
      attributes in class Node
      attributes (which implements Iterable, with the same order as presented in the original HTML).
    • attr

      public String attr(String key)
      Description copied from class: Node
      Get an attribute's value by its key. Case insensitive

      To get an absolute URL from an attribute that may be a relative URL, prefix the key with abs:, which is a shortcut to the Node.absUrl(java.lang.String) method.

      String url = a.attr("abs:href");
      attr in class Node
      key - The attribute key.
      The attribute, or empty string if not present (to avoid nulls).
      See Also:
    • attr

      public Node attr(String key, String value)
      Description copied from class: Node
      Set an attribute (key=value). If the attribute already exists, it is replaced. The attribute key comparison is case insensitive. The key will be set with case sensitivity as set in the parser settings.
      attr in class Node
      key - The attribute key.
      value - The attribute value.
      this (for chaining)
    • hasAttr

      public boolean hasAttr(String key)
      Description copied from class: Node
      Test if this Node has an attribute. Case insensitive.
      hasAttr in class Node
      key - The attribute key to check.
      true if the attribute exists, false if not.
    • removeAttr

      public Node removeAttr(String key)
      Description copied from class: Node
      Remove an attribute from this node.
      removeAttr in class Node
      key - The attribute to remove.
      this (for chaining)
    • absUrl

      public String absUrl(String key)
      Description copied from class: Node
      Get an absolute URL from a URL attribute that may be relative (such as an <a href> or <img src>).

      E.g.: String absUrl = linkEl.absUrl("href");

      If the attribute value is already absolute (i.e. it starts with a protocol, like http:// or https:// etc), and it successfully parses as a URL, the attribute is returned directly. Otherwise, it is treated as a URL relative to the element's Node.baseUri(), and made absolute using that.

      As an alternate, you can use the Node.attr(java.lang.String) method with the abs: prefix, e.g.: String absUrl = linkEl.attr("abs:href");

      absUrl in class Node
      key - The attribute key
      An absolute URL if one could be made, or an empty string (not null) if the attribute was missing or could not be made successfully into a URL.
      See Also:
    • baseUri

      public String baseUri()
      Description copied from class: Node
      Get the base URI that applies to this node. Will return an empty string if not defined. Used to make relative links absolute.
      Specified by:
      baseUri in class Node
      base URI
      See Also:
    • doSetBaseUri

      protected void doSetBaseUri(String baseUri)
      Description copied from class: Node
      Set the baseUri for just this node (not its descendants), if this Node tracks base URIs.
      Specified by:
      doSetBaseUri in class Node
      baseUri - new URI
    • childNodeSize

      public int childNodeSize()
      Description copied from class: Node
      Get the number of child nodes that this node holds.
      Specified by:
      childNodeSize in class Node
      the number of child nodes that this node holds.
    • empty

      public Node empty()
      Description copied from class: Node
      Delete all this node's children.
      Specified by:
      empty in class Node
      this node, for chaining
    • ensureChildNodes

      protected List<Node> ensureChildNodes()
      Specified by:
      ensureChildNodes in class Node
    • doClone

      protected LeafNode doClone(Node parent)
      doClone in class Node