Package org.jsoup.nodes

Class Element

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, Iterable<Element>
Direct Known Subclasses:
Document, FormElement, PseudoTextElement

public class Element extends Node implements Iterable<Element>
An HTML Element consists of a tag name, attributes, and child nodes (including text nodes and other elements).

From an Element, you can extract data, traverse the node graph, and manipulate the HTML.

  • Constructor Details

    • Element

      public Element(String tag, String namespace)
      Create a new, standalone element, in the specified namespace.
      tag - tag name
      namespace - namespace for this element
    • Element

      public Element(String tag)
      Create a new, standalone element, in the HTML namespace.
      tag - tag name
      See Also:
    • Element

      public Element(Tag tag, @Nullable String baseUri, @Nullable Attributes attributes)
      Create a new, standalone Element. (Standalone in that it has no parent.)
      tag - tag of this element
      baseUri - the base URI (optional, may be null to inherit from parent, or "" to clear parent's)
      attributes - initial attributes (optional, may be null)
      See Also:
    • Element

      public Element(Tag tag, @Nullable String baseUri)
      Create a new Element from a Tag and a base URI.
      tag - element tag
      baseUri - the base URI of this element. Optional, and will inherit from its parent, if any.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • hasChildNodes

      protected boolean hasChildNodes()
      Internal test to check if a nodelist object has been created.
    • ensureChildNodes

      protected List<Node> ensureChildNodes()
      Specified by:
      ensureChildNodes in class Node
    • hasAttributes

      protected boolean hasAttributes()
      Description copied from class: Node
      Check if this Node has an actual Attributes object.
      Specified by:
      hasAttributes in class Node
    • attributes

      public Attributes attributes()
      Description copied from class: Node
      Get each of the Element's attributes.
      Specified by:
      attributes in class Node
      attributes (which implements Iterable, with the same order as presented in the original HTML).
    • baseUri

      public String baseUri()
      Description copied from class: Node
      Get the base URI that applies to this node. Will return an empty string if not defined. Used to make relative links absolute.
      Specified by:
      baseUri in class Node
      base URI
      See Also:
    • doSetBaseUri

      protected void doSetBaseUri(String baseUri)
      Description copied from class: Node
      Set the baseUri for just this node (not its descendants), if this Node tracks base URIs.
      Specified by:
      doSetBaseUri in class Node
      baseUri - new URI
    • childNodeSize

      public int childNodeSize()
      Description copied from class: Node
      Get the number of child nodes that this node holds.
      Specified by:
      childNodeSize in class Node
      the number of child nodes that this node holds.
    • nodeName

      public String nodeName()
      Description copied from class: Node
      Get the node name of this node. Use for debugging purposes and not logic switching (for that, use instanceof).
      Specified by:
      nodeName in class Node
      node name
    • tagName

      public String tagName()
      Get the name of the tag for this element. E.g. div. If you are using case preserving parsing, this will return the source's original case.
      the tag name
    • normalName

      public String normalName()
      Get the normalized name of this Element's tag. This will always be the lower-cased version of the tag, regardless of the tag case preserving setting of the parser. For e.g., <DIV> and <div> both have a normal name of div.
      normalName in class Node
      normal name
    • elementIs

      public boolean elementIs(String normalName, String namespace)
      Test if this Element has the specified normalized name, and is in the specified namespace.
      normalName - a normalized element name (e.g. div).
      namespace - the namespace
      true if the element's normal name matches exactly, and is in the specified namespace
    • tagName

      public Element tagName(String tagName)
      Change (rename) the tag of this element. For example, convert a <span> to a <div> with el.tagName("div");.
      tagName - new tag name for this element
      this element, for chaining
      See Also:
    • tagName

      public Element tagName(String tagName, String namespace)
      Change (rename) the tag of this element. For example, convert a <span> to a <div> with el.tagName("div");.
      tagName - new tag name for this element
      namespace - the new namespace for this element
      this element, for chaining
      See Also:
    • tag

      public Tag tag()
      Get the Tag for this element.
      the tag object
    • isBlock

      public boolean isBlock()
      Test if this element is a block-level element. (E.g. <div> == true or an inline element <span> == false).
      true if block, false if not (and thus inline)
    • id

      public String id()
      Get the id attribute of this element.
      The id attribute, if present, or an empty string if not.
    • id

      public Element id(String id)
      Set the id attribute of this element.
      id - the ID value to use
      this Element, for chaining
    • attr

      public Element attr(String attributeKey, String attributeValue)
      Set an attribute value on this element. If this element already has an attribute with the key, its value is updated; otherwise, a new attribute is added.
      attr in class Node
      attributeKey - The attribute key.
      attributeValue - The attribute value.
      this element
    • attr

      public Element attr(String attributeKey, boolean attributeValue)
      Set a boolean attribute value on this element. Setting to true sets the attribute value to "" and marks the attribute as boolean so no value is written out. Setting to false removes the attribute with the same key if it exists.
      attributeKey - the attribute key
      attributeValue - the attribute value
      this element
    • attribute

      public @Nullable Attribute attribute(String key)
      Get an Attribute by key. Changes made via Attribute.setKey(String), Attribute.setValue(String) etc will cascade back to this Element.
      key - the (case-sensitive) attribute key
      the Attribute for this key, or null if not present.
    • dataset

      public Map<String,String> dataset()
      Get this element's HTML5 custom data attributes. Each attribute in the element that has a key starting with "data-" is included the dataset.

      E.g., the element <div data-package="jsoup" data-language="Java" class="group">... has the dataset package=jsoup, language=java.

      This map is a filtered view of the element's attribute map. Changes to one map (add, remove, update) are reflected in the other map.

      You can find elements that have data attributes using the [^data-] attribute key prefix selector.

      a map of key=value custom data attributes.
    • parent

      public final @Nullable Element parent()
      Description copied from class: Node
      Gets this node's parent node.
      parent in class Node
      parent node; or null if no parent.
      See Also:
    • parents

      public Elements parents()
      Get this element's parent and ancestors, up to the document root.
      this element's stack of parents, starting with the closest first.
    • child

      public Element child(int index)
      Get a child element of this element, by its 0-based index number.

      Note that an element can have both mixed Nodes and Elements as children. This method inspects a filtered list of children that are elements, and the index is based on that filtered list.

      index - the index number of the element to retrieve
      the child element, if it exists, otherwise throws an IndexOutOfBoundsException
      See Also:
    • childrenSize

      public int childrenSize()
      Get the number of child nodes of this element that are elements.

      This method works on the same filtered list like child(int). Use Node.childNodes() and childNodeSize() to get the unfiltered Nodes (e.g. includes TextNodes etc.)

      the number of child nodes that are elements
      See Also:
    • children

      public Elements children()
      Get this element's child elements.

      This is effectively a filter on Node.childNodes() to get Element nodes.

      child elements. If this element has no children, returns an empty list.
      See Also:
    • stream

      public Stream<Element> stream()
      Returns a Stream of this Element and all of its descendant Elements. The stream has document order.
      a stream of this element and its descendants.
      See Also:
    • textNodes

      public List<TextNode> textNodes()
      Get this element's child text nodes. The list is unmodifiable but the text nodes may be manipulated.

      This is effectively a filter on Node.childNodes() to get Text nodes.

      child text nodes. If this element has no text nodes, returns an empty list.

      For example, with the input HTML: <p>One <span>Two</span> Three <br> Four</p> with the p element selected:
      • p.text() = "One Two Three Four"
      • p.ownText() = "One Three Four"
      • p.children() = Elements[<span>, <br>]
      • p.childNodes() = List<Node>["One ", <span>, " Three ", <br>, " Four"]
      • p.textNodes() = List<TextNode>["One ", " Three ", " Four"]
    • dataNodes

      public List<DataNode> dataNodes()
      Get this element's child data nodes. The list is unmodifiable but the data nodes may be manipulated.

      This is effectively a filter on Node.childNodes() to get Data nodes.

      child data nodes. If this element has no data nodes, returns an empty list.
      See Also:
    • select

      public Elements select(String cssQuery)
      Find elements that match the Selector CSS query, with this element as the starting context. Matched elements may include this element, or any of its children.

      This method is generally more powerful to use than the DOM-type getElementBy* methods, because multiple filters can be combined, e.g.:

      •"a[href]") - finds links (a tags with href attributes)
      •"a[href*]") - finds links pointing to (loosely)

      See the query syntax documentation in Selector.

      Also known as querySelectorAll() in the Web DOM.

      cssQuery - a Selector CSS-like query
      an Elements list containing elements that match the query (empty if none match)
      Selector.SelectorParseException - (unchecked) on an invalid CSS query.
      See Also:
    • select

      public Elements select(Evaluator evaluator)
      Find elements that match the supplied Evaluator. This has the same functionality as select(String), but may be useful if you are running the same query many times (on many documents) and want to save the overhead of repeatedly parsing the CSS query.
      evaluator - an element evaluator
      an Elements list containing elements that match the query (empty if none match)
      See Also:
    • selectStream

      public Stream<Element> selectStream(String cssQuery)
      Selects elements from the given root that match the specified Selector CSS query, with this element as the starting context, and returns them as a lazy Stream. Matched elements may include this element, or any of its children.

      Unlike select(String query), which returns a complete list of all matching elements, this method returns a Stream that processes elements lazily as they are needed. The stream operates in a "pull" model — elements are fetched from the root as the stream is traversed. You can use standard Stream operations such as filter, map, or findFirst to process elements on demand.

      cssQuery - a Selector CSS-like query
      a Stream containing elements that match the query (empty if none match)
      Selector.SelectorParseException - (unchecked) on an invalid CSS query.
      See Also:
    • selectStream

      public Stream<Element> selectStream(Evaluator evaluator)
      Find a Stream of elements that match the supplied Evaluator.
      evaluator - an element Evaluator
      a Stream containing elements that match the query (empty if none match)
    • selectFirst

      public @Nullable Element selectFirst(String cssQuery)
      Find the first Element that matches the Selector CSS query, with this element as the starting context.

      This is effectively the same as calling, but is more efficient as query execution stops on the first hit.

      Also known as querySelector() in the Web DOM.

      cssQuery - cssQuery a Selector CSS-like query
      the first matching element, or null if there is no match.
      See Also:
    • selectFirst

      public @Nullable Element selectFirst(Evaluator evaluator)
      Finds the first Element that matches the supplied Evaluator, with this element as the starting context, or null if none match.
      evaluator - an element evaluator
      the first matching element (walking down the tree, starting from this element), or null if none match.
    • expectFirst

      public Element expectFirst(String cssQuery)
      Just like selectFirst(String), but if there is no match, throws an IllegalArgumentException. This is useful if you want to simply abort processing on a failed match.
      cssQuery - a Selector CSS-like query
      the first matching element
      IllegalArgumentException - if no match is found
    • is

      public boolean is(String cssQuery)
      Checks if this element matches the given Selector CSS query. Also knows as matches() in the Web DOM.
      cssQuery - a Selector CSS query
      if this element matches the query
    • is

      public boolean is(Evaluator evaluator)
      Check if this element matches the given evaluator.
      evaluator - an element evaluator
      if this element matches
    • closest

      public @Nullable Element closest(String cssQuery)
      Find the closest element up the tree of parents that matches the specified CSS query. Will return itself, an ancestor, or null if there is no such matching element.
      cssQuery - a Selector CSS query
      the closest ancestor element (possibly itself) that matches the provided evaluator. null if not found.
    • closest

      public @Nullable Element closest(Evaluator evaluator)
      Find the closest element up the tree of parents that matches the specified evaluator. Will return itself, an ancestor, or null if there is no such matching element.
      evaluator - a query evaluator
      the closest ancestor element (possibly itself) that matches the provided evaluator. null if not found.
    • selectXpath

      public Elements selectXpath(String xpath)
      Find Elements that match the supplied XPath expression.

      Note that for convenience of writing the Xpath expression, namespaces are disabled, and queries can be expressed using the element's local name only.

      By default, XPath 1.0 expressions are supported. If you would to use XPath 2.0 or higher, you can provide an alternate XPathFactory implementation:

      1. Add the implementation to your classpath. E.g. to use Saxon-HE, add net.sf.saxon:Saxon-HE to your build.
      2. Set the system property javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory:jsoup to the implementing classname. E.g.:
        System.setProperty(W3CDom.XPathFactoryProperty, "net.sf.saxon.xpath.XPathFactoryImpl");
      xpath - XPath expression
      matching elements, or an empty list if none match.
      See Also:
    • selectXpath

      public <T extends Node> List<T> selectXpath(String xpath, Class<T> nodeType)
      Find Nodes that match the supplied XPath expression.

      For example, to select TextNodes under p elements:

      List<TextNode> textNodes = doc.selectXpath("//body//p//text()", TextNode.class);

      Note that in the jsoup DOM, Attribute objects are not Nodes. To directly select attribute values, do something like:

      List<String> hrefs = doc.selectXpath("//a").eachAttr("href");
      xpath - XPath expression
      nodeType - the jsoup node type to return
      a list of matching nodes
      See Also:
    • appendChild

      public Element appendChild(Node child)
      Insert a node to the end of this Element's children. The incoming node will be re-parented.
      child - node to add.
      this Element, for chaining
      See Also:
    • appendChildren

      public Element appendChildren(Collection<? extends Node> children)
      Insert the given nodes to the end of this Element's children.
      children - nodes to add
      this Element, for chaining
      See Also:
    • appendTo

      public Element appendTo(Element parent)
      Add this element to the supplied parent element, as its next child.
      parent - element to which this element will be appended
      this element, so that you can continue modifying the element
    • prependChild

      public Element prependChild(Node child)
      Add a node to the start of this element's children.
      child - node to add.
      this element, so that you can add more child nodes or elements.
    • prependChildren

      public Element prependChildren(Collection<? extends Node> children)
      Insert the given nodes to the start of this Element's children.
      children - nodes to add
      this Element, for chaining
      See Also:
    • insertChildren

      public Element insertChildren(int index, Collection<? extends Node> children)
      Inserts the given child nodes into this element at the specified index. Current nodes will be shifted to the right. The inserted nodes will be moved from their current parent. To prevent moving, copy the nodes first.
      index - 0-based index to insert children at. Specify 0 to insert at the start, -1 at the end
      children - child nodes to insert
      this element, for chaining.
    • insertChildren

      public Element insertChildren(int index, Node... children)
      Inserts the given child nodes into this element at the specified index. Current nodes will be shifted to the right. The inserted nodes will be moved from their current parent. To prevent moving, copy the nodes first.
      index - 0-based index to insert children at. Specify 0 to insert at the start, -1 at the end
      children - child nodes to insert
      this element, for chaining.
    • appendElement

      public Element appendElement(String tagName)
      Create a new element by tag name, and add it as this Element's last child.
      tagName - the name of the tag (e.g. div).
      the new element, to allow you to add content to it, e.g.: parent.appendElement("h1").attr("id", "header").text("Welcome");
    • appendElement

      public Element appendElement(String tagName, String namespace)
      Create a new element by tag name and namespace, add it as this Element's last child.
      tagName - the name of the tag (e.g. div).
      namespace - the namespace of the tag (e.g. Parser.NamespaceHtml)
      the new element, in the specified namespace
    • prependElement

      public Element prependElement(String tagName)
      Create a new element by tag name, and add it as this Element's first child.
      tagName - the name of the tag (e.g. div).
      the new element, to allow you to add content to it, e.g.: parent.prependElement("h1").attr("id", "header").text("Welcome");
    • prependElement

      public Element prependElement(String tagName, String namespace)
      Create a new element by tag name and namespace, and add it as this Element's first child.
      tagName - the name of the tag (e.g. div).
      namespace - the namespace of the tag (e.g. Parser.NamespaceHtml)
      the new element, in the specified namespace
    • appendText

      public Element appendText(String text)
      Create and append a new TextNode to this element.
      text - the (un-encoded) text to add
      this element
    • prependText

      public Element prependText(String text)
      Create and prepend a new TextNode to this element.
      text - the decoded text to add
      this element
    • append

      public Element append(String html)
      Add inner HTML to this element. The supplied HTML will be parsed, and each node appended to the end of the children.
      html - HTML to add inside this element, after the existing HTML
      this element
      See Also:
    • prepend

      public Element prepend(String html)
      Add inner HTML into this element. The supplied HTML will be parsed, and each node prepended to the start of the element's children.
      html - HTML to add inside this element, before the existing HTML
      this element
      See Also:
    • before

      public Element before(String html)
      Insert the specified HTML into the DOM before this element (as a preceding sibling).
      before in class Node
      html - HTML to add before this element
      this element, for chaining
      See Also:
    • before

      public Element before(Node node)
      Insert the specified node into the DOM before this node (as a preceding sibling).
      before in class Node
      node - to add before this element
      this Element, for chaining
      See Also:
    • after

      public Element after(String html)
      Insert the specified HTML into the DOM after this element (as a following sibling).
      after in class Node
      html - HTML to add after this element
      this element, for chaining
      See Also:
    • after

      public Element after(Node node)
      Insert the specified node into the DOM after this node (as a following sibling).
      after in class Node
      node - to add after this element
      this element, for chaining
      See Also:
    • empty

      public Element empty()
      Remove all the element's child nodes. Any attributes are left as-is. Each child node has its parent set to null.
      Specified by:
      empty in class Node
      this element
    • wrap

      public Element wrap(String html)
      Wrap the supplied HTML around this element.
      wrap in class Node
      html - HTML to wrap around this element, e.g. <div class="head"></div>. Can be arbitrarily deep.
      this element, for chaining.
    • cssSelector

      public String cssSelector()
      Get a CSS selector that will uniquely select this element.

      If the element has an ID, returns #id; otherwise returns the parent (if any) CSS selector, followed by '>', followed by a unique selector for the element (tag.class.class:nth-child(n)).

      the CSS Path that can be used to retrieve the element in a selector.
    • siblingElements

      public Elements siblingElements()
      Get sibling elements. If the element has no sibling elements, returns an empty list. An element is not a sibling of itself, so will not be included in the returned list.
      sibling elements
    • nextElementSibling

      public @Nullable Element nextElementSibling()
      Gets the next sibling element of this element. E.g., if a div contains two ps, the nextElementSibling of the first p is the second p.

      This is similar to Node.nextSibling(), but specifically finds only Elements

      the next element, or null if there is no next element
      See Also:
    • nextElementSiblings

      public Elements nextElementSiblings()
      Get each of the sibling elements that come after this element.
      each of the element siblings after this element, or an empty list if there are no next sibling elements
    • previousElementSibling

      public @Nullable Element previousElementSibling()
      Gets the previous element sibling of this element.
      the previous element, or null if there is no previous element
      See Also:
    • previousElementSiblings

      public Elements previousElementSiblings()
      Get each of the element siblings before this element.
      the previous element siblings, or an empty list if there are none.
    • firstElementSibling

      public Element firstElementSibling()
      Gets the first Element sibling of this element. That may be this element.
      the first sibling that is an element (aka the parent's first element child)
    • elementSiblingIndex

      public int elementSiblingIndex()
      Get the list index of this element in its element sibling list. I.e. if this is the first element sibling, returns 0.
      position in element sibling list
    • lastElementSibling

      public Element lastElementSibling()
      Gets the last element sibling of this element. That may be this element.
      the last sibling that is an element (aka the parent's last element child)
    • firstElementChild

      public @Nullable Element firstElementChild()
      Gets the first child of this Element that is an Element, or null if there is none.
      the first Element child node, or null.
      See Also:
    • lastElementChild

      public @Nullable Element lastElementChild()
      Gets the last child of this Element that is an Element, or @{code null} if there is none.
      the last Element child node, or null.
      See Also:
    • getElementsByTag

      public Elements getElementsByTag(String tagName)
      Finds elements, including and recursively under this element, with the specified tag name.
      tagName - The tag name to search for (case insensitively).
      a matching unmodifiable list of elements. Will be empty if this element and none of its children match.
    • getElementById

      public @Nullable Element getElementById(String id)
      Find an element by ID, including or under this element.

      Note that this finds the first matching ID, starting with this element. If you search down from a different starting point, it is possible to find a different element by ID. For unique element by ID within a Document, use getElementById(String)

      id - The ID to search for.
      The first matching element by ID, starting with this element, or null if none found.
    • getElementsByClass

      public Elements getElementsByClass(String className)
      Find elements that have this class, including or under this element. Case-insensitive.

      Elements can have multiple classes (e.g. <div class="header round first">). This method checks each class, so you can find the above with el.getElementsByClass("header");.

      className - the name of the class to search for.
      elements with the supplied class name, empty if none
      See Also:
    • getElementsByAttribute

      public Elements getElementsByAttribute(String key)
      Find elements that have a named attribute set. Case-insensitive.
      key - name of the attribute, e.g. href
      elements that have this attribute, empty if none
    • getElementsByAttributeStarting

      public Elements getElementsByAttributeStarting(String keyPrefix)
      Find elements that have an attribute name starting with the supplied prefix. Use data- to find elements that have HTML5 datasets.
      keyPrefix - name prefix of the attribute e.g. data-
      elements that have attribute names that start with the prefix, empty if none.
    • getElementsByAttributeValue

      public Elements getElementsByAttributeValue(String key, String value)
      Find elements that have an attribute with the specific value. Case-insensitive.
      key - name of the attribute
      value - value of the attribute
      elements that have this attribute with this value, empty if none
    • getElementsByAttributeValueNot

      public Elements getElementsByAttributeValueNot(String key, String value)
      Find elements that either do not have this attribute, or have it with a different value. Case-insensitive.
      key - name of the attribute
      value - value of the attribute
      elements that do not have a matching attribute
    • getElementsByAttributeValueStarting

      public Elements getElementsByAttributeValueStarting(String key, String valuePrefix)
      Find elements that have attributes that start with the value prefix. Case-insensitive.
      key - name of the attribute
      valuePrefix - start of attribute value
      elements that have attributes that start with the value prefix
    • getElementsByAttributeValueEnding

      public Elements getElementsByAttributeValueEnding(String key, String valueSuffix)
      Find elements that have attributes that end with the value suffix. Case-insensitive.
      key - name of the attribute
      valueSuffix - end of the attribute value
      elements that have attributes that end with the value suffix
    • getElementsByAttributeValueContaining

      public Elements getElementsByAttributeValueContaining(String key, String match)
      Find elements that have attributes whose value contains the match string. Case-insensitive.
      key - name of the attribute
      match - substring of value to search for
      elements that have attributes containing this text
    • getElementsByAttributeValueMatching

      public Elements getElementsByAttributeValueMatching(String key, Pattern pattern)
      Find elements that have an attribute whose value matches the supplied regular expression.
      key - name of the attribute
      pattern - compiled regular expression to match against attribute values
      elements that have attributes matching this regular expression
    • getElementsByAttributeValueMatching

      public Elements getElementsByAttributeValueMatching(String key, String regex)
      Find elements that have attributes whose values match the supplied regular expression.
      key - name of the attribute
      regex - regular expression to match against attribute values. You can use embedded flags (such as (?i) and (?m)) to control regex options.
      elements that have attributes matching this regular expression
    • getElementsByIndexLessThan

      public Elements getElementsByIndexLessThan(int index)
      Find elements whose sibling index is less than the supplied index.
      index - 0-based index
      elements less than index
    • getElementsByIndexGreaterThan

      public Elements getElementsByIndexGreaterThan(int index)
      Find elements whose sibling index is greater than the supplied index.
      index - 0-based index
      elements greater than index
    • getElementsByIndexEquals

      public Elements getElementsByIndexEquals(int index)
      Find elements whose sibling index is equal to the supplied index.
      index - 0-based index
      elements equal to index
    • getElementsContainingText

      public Elements getElementsContainingText(String searchText)
      Find elements that contain the specified string. The search is case-insensitive. The text may appear directly in the element, or in any of its descendants.
      searchText - to look for in the element's text
      elements that contain the string, case-insensitive.
      See Also:
    • getElementsContainingOwnText

      public Elements getElementsContainingOwnText(String searchText)
      Find elements that directly contain the specified string. The search is case-insensitive. The text must appear directly in the element, not in any of its descendants.
      searchText - to look for in the element's own text
      elements that contain the string, case-insensitive.
      See Also:
    • getElementsMatchingText

      public Elements getElementsMatchingText(Pattern pattern)
      Find elements whose text matches the supplied regular expression.
      pattern - regular expression to match text against
      elements matching the supplied regular expression.
      See Also:
    • getElementsMatchingText

      public Elements getElementsMatchingText(String regex)
      Find elements whose text matches the supplied regular expression.
      regex - regular expression to match text against. You can use embedded flags (such as (?i) and (?m)) to control regex options.
      elements matching the supplied regular expression.
      See Also:
    • getElementsMatchingOwnText

      public Elements getElementsMatchingOwnText(Pattern pattern)
      Find elements whose own text matches the supplied regular expression.
      pattern - regular expression to match text against
      elements matching the supplied regular expression.
      See Also:
    • getElementsMatchingOwnText

      public Elements getElementsMatchingOwnText(String regex)
      Find elements whose own text matches the supplied regular expression.
      regex - regular expression to match text against. You can use embedded flags (such as (?i) and (?m)) to control regex options.
      elements matching the supplied regular expression.
      See Also:
    • getAllElements

      public Elements getAllElements()
      Find all elements under this element (including self, and children of children).
      all elements
    • text

      public String text()
      Gets the normalized, combined text of this element and all its children. Whitespace is normalized and trimmed.

      For example, given HTML <p>Hello <b>there</b> now! </p>, p.text() returns "Hello there now!"

      If you do not want normalized text, use wholeText(). If you want just the text of this node (and not children), use ownText()

      Note that this method returns the textual content that would be presented to a reader. The contents of data nodes (such as <script> tags) are not considered text. Use data() or html() to retrieve that content.

      decoded, normalized text, or empty string if none.
      See Also:
    • wholeText

      public String wholeText()
      Get the non-normalized, decoded text of this element and its children, including only any newlines and spaces present in the original source.
      decoded, non-normalized text
      See Also:
    • wholeOwnText

      public String wholeOwnText()
      Get the non-normalized, decoded text of this element, not including any child elements, including any newlines and spaces present in the original source.
      decoded, non-normalized text that is a direct child of this Element
      See Also:
    • ownText

      public String ownText()
      Gets the (normalized) text owned by this element only; does not get the combined text of all children.

      For example, given HTML <p>Hello <b>there</b> now!</p>, p.ownText() returns "Hello now!", whereas p.text() returns "Hello there now!". Note that the text within the b element is not returned, as it is not a direct child of the p element.

      decoded text, or empty string if none.
      See Also:
    • text

      public Element text(String text)
      Set the text of this element. Any existing contents (text or elements) will be cleared.

      As a special case, for <script> and <style> tags, the input text will be treated as data, not visible text.

      text - decoded text
      this element
    • hasText

      public boolean hasText()
      Checks if the current element or any of its child elements contain non-whitespace text.
      true if the element has non-blank text content, false otherwise.
    • data

      public String data()
      Get the combined data of this element. Data is e.g. the inside of a <script> tag. Note that data is NOT the text of the element. Use text() to get the text that would be visible to a user, and data() for the contents of scripts, comments, CSS styles, etc.
      the data, or empty string if none
      See Also:
    • className

      public String className()
      Gets the literal value of this element's "class" attribute, which may include multiple class names, space separated. (E.g. on <div class="header gray"> returns, "header gray")
      The literal class attribute, or empty string if no class attribute set.
    • classNames

      public Set<String> classNames()
      Get each of the element's class names. E.g. on element <div class="header gray">, returns a set of two elements "header", "gray". Note that modifications to this set are not pushed to the backing class attribute; use the classNames(java.util.Set) method to persist them.
      set of classnames, empty if no class attribute
    • classNames

      public Element classNames(Set<String> classNames)
      Set the element's class attribute to the supplied class names.
      classNames - set of classes
      this element, for chaining
    • hasClass

      public boolean hasClass(String className)
      Tests if this element has a class. Case-insensitive.
      className - name of class to check for
      true if it does, false if not
    • addClass

      public Element addClass(String className)
      Add a class name to this element's class attribute.
      className - class name to add
      this element
    • removeClass

      public Element removeClass(String className)
      Remove a class name from this element's class attribute.
      className - class name to remove
      this element
    • toggleClass

      public Element toggleClass(String className)
      Toggle a class name on this element's class attribute: if present, remove it; otherwise add it.
      className - class name to toggle
      this element
    • val

      public String val()
      Get the value of a form element (input, textarea, etc).
      the value of the form element, or empty string if not set.
    • val

      public Element val(String value)
      Set the value of a form element (input, textarea, etc).
      value - value to set
      this element (for chaining)
    • endSourceRange

      public Range endSourceRange()
      Get the source range (start and end positions) of the end (closing) tag for this Element. Position tracking must be enabled prior to parsing the content.
      the range of the closing tag for this element, or untracked if its range was not tracked.
      See Also:
    • html

      public String html()
      Retrieves the element's inner HTML. E.g. on a <div> with one empty <p>, would return <p></p>. (Whereas Node.outerHtml() would return <div><p></p></div>.)
      String of HTML.
      See Also:
    • html

      public <T extends Appendable> T html(T appendable)
      Description copied from class: Node
      Write this node and its children to the given Appendable.
      html in class Node
      appendable - the Appendable to write to.
      the supplied Appendable, for chaining.
    • html

      public Element html(String html)
      Set this element's inner HTML. Clears the existing HTML first.
      html - HTML to parse and set into this element
      this element
      See Also:
    • clone

      public Element clone()
      Description copied from class: Node
      Create a stand-alone, deep copy of this node, and all of its children. The cloned node will have no siblings or parent node. As a stand-alone object, any changes made to the clone or any of its children will not impact the original node.

      The cloned node may be adopted into another Document or node structure using appendChild(Node).

      clone in class Node
      a stand-alone cloned node, including clones of any children
      See Also:
    • shallowClone

      public Element shallowClone()
      Description copied from class: Node
      Create a stand-alone, shallow copy of this node. None of its children (if any) will be cloned, and it will have no parent or sibling nodes.
      shallowClone in class Node
      a single independent copy of this node
      See Also:
    • doClone

      protected Element doClone(@Nullable Node parent)
      doClone in class Node
    • clearAttributes

      public Element clearAttributes()
      Description copied from class: Node
      Clear (remove) each of the attributes in this node.
      clearAttributes in class Node
      this, for chaining
    • removeAttr

      public Element removeAttr(String attributeKey)
      Description copied from class: Node
      Remove an attribute from this node.
      removeAttr in class Node
      attributeKey - The attribute to remove.
      this (for chaining)
    • root

      public Element root()
      Description copied from class: Node
      Get this node's root node; that is, its topmost ancestor. If this node is the top ancestor, returns this.
      root in class Node
      topmost ancestor.
    • traverse

      public Element traverse(NodeVisitor nodeVisitor)
      Description copied from class: Node
      Perform a depth-first traversal through this node and its descendants.
      traverse in class Node
      nodeVisitor - the visitor callbacks to perform on each node
      this node, for chaining
    • forEachNode

      public Element forEachNode(Consumer<? super Node> action)
      Description copied from class: Node
      Perform the supplied action on this Node and each of its descendants, during a depth-first traversal. Nodes may be inspected, changed, added, replaced, or removed.
      forEachNode in class Node
      action - the function to perform on the node
      this Node, for chaining
      See Also:
    • forEach

      public void forEach(Consumer<? super Element> action)
      Perform the supplied action on this Element and each of its descendant Elements, during a depth-first traversal. Elements may be inspected, changed, added, replaced, or removed.
      Specified by:
      forEach in interface Iterable<Element>
      action - the function to perform on the element
      See Also:
    • iterator

      public Iterator<Element> iterator()
      Returns an Iterator that iterates this Element and each of its descendant Elements, in document order.
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface Iterable<Element>
      an Iterator
    • filter

      public Element filter(NodeFilter nodeFilter)
      Description copied from class: Node
      Perform a depth-first filtered traversal through this node and its descendants.
      filter in class Node
      nodeFilter - the filter callbacks to perform on each node
      this node, for chaining